List of 200 Common Homophones with their meaning |
Sr. No. | Homophone 1 | Meaning | Homophone 2 | Meaning |
1 | there | Refers to a place or location | their | Possessive form, meaning “belonging to them” |
2 | they’re | Contraction of “they are” | their | Possessive form, meaning “belonging to them” |
3 | to | Indicates direction or purpose | too | Means “also” or “excessively” |
4 | two | Number (2) | too | Means “also” or “excessively” |
5 | right | Correct or direction opposite to left | write | To mark letters on a surface |
6 | hear | To perceive sound | here | Refers to a location |
7 | brake | A device for slowing down a vehicle | break | To separate into parts or pieces |
8 | flower | The reproductive structure of a plant | flour | Powder made from ground grains |
9 | peace | A state of calm or absence of war | piece | A part or portion of something |
10 | bare | Lacking clothing or covering | bear | A large mammal |
11 | aloud | Spoken out loud | allowed | Permitted |
12 | principal | Head of a school | principle | A fundamental truth or belief |
13 | sweet | Having a sugary taste | suite | A set of rooms or furniture |
14 | dear | Used as an affectionate term | deer | A woodland animal |
15 | fare | Money paid for travel | fair | Just, honest, or a public gathering |
16 | morning | Early part of the day | mourning | The expression of grief |
17 | sent | Past tense of “send” | cent | A unit of currency |
18 | weather | State of the atmosphere (e.g., rain, sunshine) | whether | Expresses a choice between options |
19 | sell | To exchange for money | cell | A small, enclosed space or unit of life |
20 | knight | A man granted an honorary title | night | The period from dusk until dawn |
21 | waist | Part of the body above the hips | waste | Unwanted or excess material |
22 | sight | The ability to see | site | A location or place |
23 | male | Refers to a man or boy | mail | Postal items |
24 | row | A line or series | roe | Fish eggs |
25 | hole | An opening or gap | whole | Entire, complete |
26 | affect | To influence (verb) | effect | A result or outcome (noun) |
27 | patience | The ability to wait calmly | patients | People under medical care |
28 | shear | To cut or trim | sheer | Transparent or absolute |
29 | vein | A blood vessel | vain | Having excessive pride |
30 | coral | Marine organism | choral | Related to a choir |
31 | aloud | Spoken out loud | allowed | Permitted |
32 | idol | A person or thing admired | idle | Inactive or not in use |
33 | council | A group that advises | counsel | Advice or guidance |
34 | lessen | To make less | lesson | A unit of teaching |
35 | peek | To glance or look quickly | peak | The top of a mountain or point of success |
36 | complement | To complete or enhance | compliment | A flattering remark |
37 | whose | Possessive form of “who” | who’s | Contraction of “who is” |
38 | aisle | A passage between seats | isle | An island |
39 | fore | Refers to the front | four | Number (4) |
40 | pale | Light in color | pail | A bucket |
41 | scent | A pleasant smell | cent | A unit of currency |
42 | pain | Physical discomfort | pane | A single sheet of glass |
43 | soar | To fly high or rise | sore | Painful or aching |
44 | dear | Used as an affectionate term | deer | A woodland animal |
45 | him | A male person | hymn | A religious song |
46 | serial | Occurring in a series | cereal | A breakfast food made from grains |
47 | minor | A person under legal age | miner | A person who extracts minerals |
48 | morning | Early part of the day | mourning | The expression of grief |
49 | capital | A city where government is located | capitol | A government building |
50 | currant | A type of small berry | current | Happening now; a flow of water or air |
51 | paws | Animal feet | pause | A temporary stop |
52 | pause | A temporary stop | pours | To flow or cause to flow |
53 | flee | To run away | flea | A small jumping insect |
54 | stair | A step in a staircase | stare | To look fixedly |
55 | stake | A wooden post | steak | A slice of meat, typically beef |
56 | principal | Head of a school | principle | A fundamental truth or belief |
57 | right | Correct or direction opposite to left | rite | A religious or ceremonial practice |
58 | cite | To reference or quote | site | A location or place |
59 | sew | To stitch fabric together | so | In the same way; therefore |
60 | horse | A large, hoofed mammal | hoarse | Having a rough or strained voice |
61 | none | Not any | nun | A member of a religious community |
62 | main | Most important or primary | mane | The long hair on a horse’s neck |
63 | die | To cease living | dye | A substance used to color materials |
64 | flour | Powder made from ground grains | flower | The reproductive structure of a plant |
65 | close | Near in space or time | clothes | Items of clothing |
66 | rain | Precipitation | reign | The rule of a king or queen |
67 | vary | To differ | very | Extremely or to a high degree |
68 | ceiling | The overhead surface of a room | sealing | Closing something securely |
69 | access | The means of approaching or entering | excess | More than necessary or permitted |
70 | altar | A sacred table in a church | alter | To change or modify |
71 | assent | Agreement or approval | ascent | The act of rising or climbing |
72 | aural | Related to hearing | oral | Related to the mouth or spoken |
73 | bald | Lacking hair | bawled | Cried loudly |
74 | base | The bottom part of something | bass | A deep sound or a type of fish |
75 | berth | A place to sleep on a ship | birth | The act of being born |
76 | bite | To use teeth to cut into something | byte | A unit of digital information |
77 | bloc | A group with a common purpose | block | A solid piece or to obstruct |
78 | bore | To make someone feel bored | boar | A wild pig |
79 | bread | A staple food made from flour | bred | Past tense of “breed,” meaning raised or nurtured |
80 | calendar | A chart of dates | calender | A machine for smoothing paper or cloth |
81 | canvas | A strong fabric | canvass | To seek support or votes |
82 | carat | A measure of purity for gold | carrot | An orange root vegetable |
83 | cell | A small, enclosed space | sell | To exchange something for money |
84 | clamber | To climb awkwardly | clamor | A loud noise or outcry |
85 | click | A short, sharp sound | clique | A small, exclusive group |
86 | coarse | Rough in texture | course | A path, direction, or academic class |
87 | cue | A signal for action | queue | A line of people or vehicles |
88 | days | Multiple 24-hour periods | daze | A state of confusion |
89 | dam | A barrier to hold back water | damn | An exclamation or to condemn |
90 | dear | Beloved or cherished | deer | A woodland animal |
91 | faint | To lose consciousness | feint | A deceptive movement |
92 | feat | An achievement | feet | Plural of “foot” |
93 | genes | Units of heredity in living organisms | jeans | Denim pants |
94 | gorilla | A large primate | guerrilla | A member of an irregular military group |
95 | grate | A frame of metal bars | great | Very large in size or degree |
96 | groan | A sound of pain or discontent | grown | Past participle of “grow” |
97 | hale | Strong and healthy | hail | Frozen raindrops or to call out |
98 | him | A male pronoun | hymn | A song of praise |
99 | incite | To provoke or urge on | insight | Deep understanding |
100 | lessen | To reduce | lesson | A unit of teaching |
101 | loot | Stolen goods | lute | A stringed musical instrument |
102 | main | Primary or most important | mane | Long hair on a horse’s neck |
103 | medal | An award or decoration | meddle | To interfere |
104 | moose | A large, hoofed animal | mousse | A creamy dessert or hairstyling foam |
105 | muscle | Tissue in the body that creates movement | mussel | A type of shellfish |
106 | naval | Related to the navy | navel | The belly button |
107 | overdo | To do to an excessive degree | overdue | Past the expected or due date |
108 | pare | To trim or peel | pair | Two of something |
109 | patience | The ability to wait calmly | patients | Individuals under medical care |
110 | peak | The top of a mountain | peek | A quick glance |
111 | pier | A structure extending into water | peer | Someone of equal standing |
112 | plane | An aircraft or flat surface | plain | Clear or simple; also a flat area |
113 | poll | A survey | pole | A long, slender object |
114 | prophet | A person who speaks for a deity | profit | Financial gain |
115 | rain | Precipitation | rein | Straps used to control a horse |
116 | read | To look at and understand written words | reed | A tall, thin plant found near water |
117 | ring | A circular band | wring | To twist or squeeze |
118 | role | A character or part | roll | To rotate or a small loaf of bread |
119 | scene | A place where something occurs | seen | Past tense of “see” |
120 | sole | Only or single; also, bottom of a foot or shoe | soul | The spiritual part of a person |
121 | stare | To look fixedly | stair | A step in a staircase |
122 | steak | A cut of meat | stake | A post or something invested in |
123 | vain | Conceited or unsuccessful | vein | A blood vessel |
124 | vary | To differ | very | To a great degree |
125 | weak | Lacking strength | week | A period of seven days |
126 | weather | Conditions in the atmosphere | whether | Expressing a choice or alternative |
127 | whine | A complaining cry | wine | An alcoholic drink made from grapes |
128 | aye | An expression of agreement | eye | The organ used for seeing |
129 | beau | A romantic partner | bow | To bend forward as a gesture; also a ribbon loop |
130 | base | The foundation or bottom part | bass | A low, deep sound or a type of fish |
131 | boar | A wild pig | bore | To make someone feel uninterested |
132 | bail | To release from jail | bale | A large bundle of something, like hay |
133 | bough | A large branch of a tree | bow | To bend forward; a ribbon loop |
134 | carrot | An orange vegetable | caret | A proofreading mark |
135 | caddie | A person who carries a golfer’s clubs | caddy | A small container |
136 | cereal | A breakfast food | serial | Happening in a series |
137 | chews | Bites or grinds with teeth | choose | To select or pick |
138 | dual | Having two parts | duel | A formal fight |
139 | faze | To disturb or bother | phase | A stage in a process |
140 | genes | Units of heredity in living organisms | jeans | Denim pants |
141 | hire | To employ someone | higher | Above or at a greater level |
142 | kernel | The edible part of a seed | colonel | A military officer |
143 | key | A piece of metal used to unlock | quay | A landing place on the shore of a harbor |
144 | lessen | To decrease | lesson | A period of learning |
145 | me | The pronoun referring to oneself | mi | A musical note |
146 | none | Not any | nun | A member of a religious community |
147 | patience | The ability to wait calmly | patients | Individuals under medical care |
148 | peace | A state of calm or harmony | piece | A part of something |
149 | principal | The head of a school | principle | A basic belief or rule |
150 | rain | Water falling from the sky | rein | A means of control (e.g., horse reins) |
151 | read | To look at and comprehend written text | reed | A tall, slender grass |
152 | right | Correct or direction opposite to left | rite | A ritual or ceremonial act |
153 | role | A part in a play or function | roll | To move by turning over |
154 | root | The part of a plant that absorbs nutrients | route | A way or path to a destination |
155 | sees | Looks or observes | seas | Large bodies of saltwater |
156 | soar | To fly high | sore | Painful or aching |
157 | steal | To take something without permission | steel | A strong, hard metal |
158 | suite | A set of rooms | sweet | Having a sugary taste |
159 | time | A measurement of duration | thyme | A type of herb used in cooking |
160 | vain | Excessively proud | vein | A blood vessel |
161 | waste | Unwanted materials | waist | The part of the body between ribs and hips |
162 | we | Plural pronoun for a group including oneself | wee | Very small |
163 | weak | Lacking strength | week | A period of seven days |
164 | yaw | To turn from side to side | yore | Of long ago |
165 | yoke | A wooden crosspiece for oxen | yolk | The yellow part of an egg |
166 | acclamation | Loud approval or applause | acclimation | Adjustment to a new environment |
167 | addition | The act of adding | edition | A particular version of a published work |
168 | ail | To suffer, feel unwell | ale | A type of beer |
169 | allowed | Permitted | aloud | Spoken out loud |
170 | altar | A sacred table in a place of worship | alter | To modify or change |
171 | arc | A curved shape | ark | A large boat or vessel |
172 | assistance | Help or aid | assistants | People who provide support |
173 | attendance | The act of being present | attendants | People who attend to others |
174 | auger | A tool for drilling | augur | To predict or foretell |
175 | bare | Uncovered or naked | bear | A large mammal; to carry or endure |
176 | barren | Unable to produce offspring | baron | A title of nobility |
177 | be | To exist | bee | An insect that makes honey |
178 | bell | A device that rings | belle | A beautiful woman |
179 | berry | A small, juicy fruit | bury | To place underground |
180 | blew | Past tense of “blow” | blue | The color |
181 | border | A boundary | boarder | A person who pays for meals and lodging |
182 | born | Brought into life | borne | Carried or supported |
183 | bolder | More courageous | boulder | A large rock |
184 | bridal | Related to a wedding | bridle | A harness for controlling a horse |
185 | canvas | Strong cloth used for painting | canvass | To seek votes or opinions |
186 | cast | To throw something | caste | A social class |
187 | ceiling | The upper interior surface of a room | sealing | The act of closing tightly |
188 | cell | A small, enclosed space | sell | To exchange for money |
189 | cite | To quote or reference | sight | The ability to see |
190 | chord | A musical term for a combination of notes | cord | A thin, flexible string |
191 | close | To shut | clothes | Items worn on the body |
192 | colonel | A military rank | kernel | The edible part of a seed |
193 | complement | Something that completes | compliment | A kind or flattering remark |
194 | conscience | Moral sense of right and wrong | conscious | Aware or awake |
195 | curb | To restrain | kerb | The edge of a sidewalk |
196 | cymbal | A percussion instrument | symbol | A sign or representation |
197 | dear | Precious or loved | deer | A woodland animal |
198 | dessert | Sweet course after a meal | desert | A barren, sandy area |
199 | doe | A female deer | dough | A mixture used to make bread |
200 | earn | To receive as payment or reward | urn | A vase for storing ashes |
201 | faint | To lose consciousness | feint | A deceptive movement in sports or battle |
202 | flour | Powder made from ground grains | flower | The bloom of a plant |
203 | gait | Manner of walking | gate | An entryway or barrier |
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