English Homophones: 200+ Examples with Meanings

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List of 200 Common Homophones with their meaning
Sr. No.Homophone 1MeaningHomophone 2Meaning
1thereRefers to a place or locationtheirPossessive form, meaning “belonging to them”
2they’reContraction of “they are”theirPossessive form, meaning “belonging to them”
3toIndicates direction or purposetooMeans “also” or “excessively”
4twoNumber (2)tooMeans “also” or “excessively”
5rightCorrect or direction opposite to leftwriteTo mark letters on a surface
6hearTo perceive soundhereRefers to a location
7brakeA device for slowing down a vehiclebreakTo separate into parts or pieces
8flowerThe reproductive structure of a plantflourPowder made from ground grains
9peaceA state of calm or absence of warpieceA part or portion of something
10bareLacking clothing or coveringbearA large mammal
11aloudSpoken out loudallowedPermitted
12principalHead of a schoolprincipleA fundamental truth or belief
13sweetHaving a sugary tastesuiteA set of rooms or furniture
14dearUsed as an affectionate termdeerA woodland animal
15fareMoney paid for travelfairJust, honest, or a public gathering
16morningEarly part of the daymourningThe expression of grief
17sentPast tense of “send”centA unit of currency
18weatherState of the atmosphere (e.g., rain, sunshine)whetherExpresses a choice between options
19sellTo exchange for moneycellA small, enclosed space or unit of life
20knightA man granted an honorary titlenightThe period from dusk until dawn
21waistPart of the body above the hipswasteUnwanted or excess material
22sightThe ability to seesiteA location or place
23maleRefers to a man or boymailPostal items
24rowA line or seriesroeFish eggs
25holeAn opening or gapwholeEntire, complete
26affectTo influence (verb)effectA result or outcome (noun)
27patienceThe ability to wait calmlypatientsPeople under medical care
28shearTo cut or trimsheerTransparent or absolute
29veinA blood vesselvainHaving excessive pride
30coralMarine organismchoralRelated to a choir
31aloudSpoken out loudallowedPermitted
32idolA person or thing admiredidleInactive or not in use
33councilA group that advisescounselAdvice or guidance
34lessenTo make lesslessonA unit of teaching
35peekTo glance or look quicklypeakThe top of a mountain or point of success
36complementTo complete or enhancecomplimentA flattering remark
37whosePossessive form of “who”who’sContraction of “who is”
38aisleA passage between seatsisleAn island
39foreRefers to the frontfourNumber (4)
40paleLight in colorpailA bucket
41scentA pleasant smellcentA unit of currency
42painPhysical discomfortpaneA single sheet of glass
43soarTo fly high or risesorePainful or aching
44dearUsed as an affectionate termdeerA woodland animal
45himA male personhymnA religious song
46serialOccurring in a seriescerealA breakfast food made from grains
47minorA person under legal ageminerA person who extracts minerals
48morningEarly part of the daymourningThe expression of grief
49capitalA city where government is locatedcapitolA government building
50currantA type of small berrycurrentHappening now; a flow of water or air
51pawsAnimal feetpauseA temporary stop
52pauseA temporary stoppoursTo flow or cause to flow
53fleeTo run awayfleaA small jumping insect
54stairA step in a staircasestareTo look fixedly
55stakeA wooden poststeakA slice of meat, typically beef
56principalHead of a schoolprincipleA fundamental truth or belief
57rightCorrect or direction opposite to leftriteA religious or ceremonial practice
58citeTo reference or quotesiteA location or place
59sewTo stitch fabric togethersoIn the same way; therefore
60horseA large, hoofed mammalhoarseHaving a rough or strained voice
61noneNot anynunA member of a religious community
62mainMost important or primarymaneThe long hair on a horse’s neck
63dieTo cease livingdyeA substance used to color materials
64flourPowder made from ground grainsflowerThe reproductive structure of a plant
65closeNear in space or timeclothesItems of clothing
66rainPrecipitationreignThe rule of a king or queen
67varyTo differveryExtremely or to a high degree
68ceilingThe overhead surface of a roomsealingClosing something securely
69accessThe means of approaching or enteringexcessMore than necessary or permitted
70altarA sacred table in a churchalterTo change or modify
71assentAgreement or approvalascentThe act of rising or climbing
72auralRelated to hearingoralRelated to the mouth or spoken
73baldLacking hairbawledCried loudly
74baseThe bottom part of somethingbassA deep sound or a type of fish
75berthA place to sleep on a shipbirthThe act of being born
76biteTo use teeth to cut into somethingbyteA unit of digital information
77blocA group with a common purposeblockA solid piece or to obstruct
78boreTo make someone feel boredboarA wild pig
79breadA staple food made from flourbredPast tense of “breed,” meaning raised or nurtured
80calendarA chart of datescalenderA machine for smoothing paper or cloth
81canvasA strong fabriccanvassTo seek support or votes
82caratA measure of purity for goldcarrotAn orange root vegetable
83cellA small, enclosed spacesellTo exchange something for money
84clamberTo climb awkwardlyclamorA loud noise or outcry
85clickA short, sharp soundcliqueA small, exclusive group
86coarseRough in texturecourseA path, direction, or academic class
87cueA signal for actionqueueA line of people or vehicles
88daysMultiple 24-hour periodsdazeA state of confusion
89damA barrier to hold back waterdamnAn exclamation or to condemn
90dearBeloved or cherisheddeerA woodland animal
91faintTo lose consciousnessfeintA deceptive movement
92featAn achievementfeetPlural of “foot”
93genesUnits of heredity in living organismsjeansDenim pants
94gorillaA large primateguerrillaA member of an irregular military group
95grateA frame of metal barsgreatVery large in size or degree
96groanA sound of pain or discontentgrownPast participle of “grow”
97haleStrong and healthyhailFrozen raindrops or to call out
98himA male pronounhymnA song of praise
99inciteTo provoke or urge oninsightDeep understanding
100lessenTo reducelessonA unit of teaching
101lootStolen goodsluteA stringed musical instrument
102mainPrimary or most importantmaneLong hair on a horse’s neck
103medalAn award or decorationmeddleTo interfere
104mooseA large, hoofed animalmousseA creamy dessert or hairstyling foam
105muscleTissue in the body that creates movementmusselA type of shellfish
106navalRelated to the navynavelThe belly button
107overdoTo do to an excessive degreeoverduePast the expected or due date
108pareTo trim or peelpairTwo of something
109patienceThe ability to wait calmlypatientsIndividuals under medical care
110peakThe top of a mountainpeekA quick glance
111pierA structure extending into waterpeerSomeone of equal standing
112planeAn aircraft or flat surfaceplainClear or simple; also a flat area
113pollA surveypoleA long, slender object
114prophetA person who speaks for a deityprofitFinancial gain
115rainPrecipitationreinStraps used to control a horse
116readTo look at and understand written wordsreedA tall, thin plant found near water
117ringA circular bandwringTo twist or squeeze
118roleA character or partrollTo rotate or a small loaf of bread
119sceneA place where something occursseenPast tense of “see”
120soleOnly or single; also, bottom of a foot or shoesoulThe spiritual part of a person
121stareTo look fixedlystairA step in a staircase
122steakA cut of meatstakeA post or something invested in
123vainConceited or unsuccessfulveinA blood vessel
124varyTo differveryTo a great degree
125weakLacking strengthweekA period of seven days
126weatherConditions in the atmospherewhetherExpressing a choice or alternative
127whineA complaining crywineAn alcoholic drink made from grapes
128ayeAn expression of agreementeyeThe organ used for seeing
129beauA romantic partnerbowTo bend forward as a gesture; also a ribbon loop
130baseThe foundation or bottom partbassA low, deep sound or a type of fish
131boarA wild pigboreTo make someone feel uninterested
132bailTo release from jailbaleA large bundle of something, like hay
133boughA large branch of a treebowTo bend forward; a ribbon loop
134carrotAn orange vegetablecaretA proofreading mark
135caddieA person who carries a golfer’s clubscaddyA small container
136cerealA breakfast foodserialHappening in a series
137chewsBites or grinds with teethchooseTo select or pick
138dualHaving two partsduelA formal fight
139fazeTo disturb or botherphaseA stage in a process
140genesUnits of heredity in living organismsjeansDenim pants
141hireTo employ someonehigherAbove or at a greater level
142kernelThe edible part of a seedcolonelA military officer
143keyA piece of metal used to unlockquayA landing place on the shore of a harbor
144lessenTo decreaselessonA period of learning
145meThe pronoun referring to oneselfmiA musical note
146noneNot anynunA member of a religious community
147patienceThe ability to wait calmlypatientsIndividuals under medical care
148peaceA state of calm or harmonypieceA part of something
149principalThe head of a schoolprincipleA basic belief or rule
150rainWater falling from the skyreinA means of control (e.g., horse reins)
151readTo look at and comprehend written textreedA tall, slender grass
152rightCorrect or direction opposite to leftriteA ritual or ceremonial act
153roleA part in a play or functionrollTo move by turning over
154rootThe part of a plant that absorbs nutrientsrouteA way or path to a destination
155seesLooks or observesseasLarge bodies of saltwater
156soarTo fly highsorePainful or aching
157stealTo take something without permissionsteelA strong, hard metal
158suiteA set of roomssweetHaving a sugary taste
159timeA measurement of durationthymeA type of herb used in cooking
160vainExcessively proudveinA blood vessel
161wasteUnwanted materialswaistThe part of the body between ribs and hips
162wePlural pronoun for a group including oneselfweeVery small
163weakLacking strengthweekA period of seven days
164yawTo turn from side to sideyoreOf long ago
165yokeA wooden crosspiece for oxenyolkThe yellow part of an egg
166acclamationLoud approval or applauseacclimationAdjustment to a new environment
167additionThe act of addingeditionA particular version of a published work
168ailTo suffer, feel unwellaleA type of beer
169allowedPermittedaloudSpoken out loud
170altarA sacred table in a place of worshipalterTo modify or change
171arcA curved shapearkA large boat or vessel
172assistanceHelp or aidassistantsPeople who provide support
173attendanceThe act of being presentattendantsPeople who attend to others
174augerA tool for drillingaugurTo predict or foretell
175bareUncovered or nakedbearA large mammal; to carry or endure
176barrenUnable to produce offspringbaronA title of nobility
177beTo existbeeAn insect that makes honey
178bellA device that ringsbelleA beautiful woman
179berryA small, juicy fruitburyTo place underground
180blewPast tense of “blow”blueThe color
181borderA boundaryboarderA person who pays for meals and lodging
182bornBrought into lifeborneCarried or supported
183bolderMore courageousboulderA large rock
184bridalRelated to a weddingbridleA harness for controlling a horse
185canvasStrong cloth used for paintingcanvassTo seek votes or opinions
186castTo throw somethingcasteA social class
187ceilingThe upper interior surface of a roomsealingThe act of closing tightly
188cellA small, enclosed spacesellTo exchange for money
189citeTo quote or referencesightThe ability to see
190chordA musical term for a combination of notescordA thin, flexible string
191closeTo shutclothesItems worn on the body
192colonelA military rankkernelThe edible part of a seed
193complementSomething that completescomplimentA kind or flattering remark
194conscienceMoral sense of right and wrongconsciousAware or awake
195curbTo restrainkerbThe edge of a sidewalk
196cymbalA percussion instrumentsymbolA sign or representation
197dearPrecious or loveddeerA woodland animal
198dessertSweet course after a mealdesertA barren, sandy area
199doeA female deerdoughA mixture used to make bread
200earnTo receive as payment or rewardurnA vase for storing ashes
201faintTo lose consciousnessfeintA deceptive movement in sports or battle
202flourPowder made from ground grainsflowerThe bloom of a plant
203gaitManner of walkinggateAn entryway or barrier
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