The use of these synonyms will help you convey a message more clearly, sharper, and effectively.
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Deeper Understanding: More use of words increases deeper knowledge of words and concepts.
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Sr. No. | English Word | Hindi Meaning | Synonyms |
1 | Abandon | त्यागना | forsake, desert, relinquish |
2 | Ability | क्षमता | capability, capacity, talent |
3 | Able | सक्षम | capable, competent, qualified |
4 | About | लगभग, के बारे में | around, approximately, concerning |
5 | Above | ऊपर | over, higher, upon |
6 | Abroad | विदेश | overseas, foreign, international |
7 | Absent | अनुपस्थित | missing, away, non-present |
8 | Absolute | पूर्ण | complete, total, utter |
9 | Accept | स्वीकार करना | receive, admit, take |
10 | Accident | दुर्घटना | mishap, incident, casualty |
11 | Accuse | आरोप लगाना | blame, charge, indict |
12 | Achieve | प्राप्त करना | accomplish, attain, gain |
13 | Across | पार | over, through, beyond |
14 | Act | कार्य | deed, action, performance |
15 | Active | सक्रिय | energetic, busy, lively |
16 | Actual | वास्तविक | real, true, genuine |
17 | Add | जोड़ना | include, insert, supplement |
18 | Address | पता | speech, discourse, lecture |
19 | Admit | स्वीकार करना | confess, acknowledge, concede |
20 | Adore | पूजा करना | worship, love, cherish |
21 | Advance | अग्रिम | progress, forward, ahead |
22 | Advantage | लाभ | benefit, gain, profit |
23 | Adventure | साहसिक कार्य | expedition, escapade, quest |
24 | Advertise | विज्ञापन देना | promote, market, publicize |
25 | Advice | सलाह | counsel, guidance, recommendation |
26 | Advise | सलाह देना | counsel, recommend, suggest |
27 | Affair | मामला | matter, business, concern |
28 | Afraid | डरा हुआ | scared, frightened, fearful |
29 | After | बाद में | later, subsequent, following |
30 | Again | फिर | once more, anew, repeatedly |
31 | Against | के खिलाफ | opposed to, versus, contrary to |
32 | Age | उम्र | era, period, time |
33 | Agent | एजेंट | representative, delegate, envoy |
34 | Agree | सहमत होना | consent, concur, assent |
35 | Aid | सहायता | help, assistance, support |
36 | Aim | लक्ष्य | goal, objective, target |
37 | Air | हवा | atmosphere, sky, breeze |
38 | All | सभी | whole, entire, total |
39 | Allow | अनुमति देना | permit, let, enable |
40 | Almost | लगभग | nearly, approximately, virtually |
41 | Alone | अकेला | solitary, lonely, isolated |
42 | Along | साथ | with, together, accompanying |
43 | Already | पहले से ही | previously, before, earlier |
44 | Also | भी | too, as well, in addition |
45 | Always | हमेशा | forever, eternally, perpetually |
46 | Amuse | मनोरंजन करना | entertain, divert, delight |
47 | Ancient | प्राचीन | old, antique, historic |
48 | Anger | क्रोध | rage, fury, wrath |
49 | Angry | क्रोधित | mad, furious, enraged |
50 | Animal | जानवर | creature, beast, brute |
51 | Another | दूसरा | different, other, else |
52 | Answer | उत्तर | reply, response, solution |
53 | Anxious | चिंतित | worried, uneasy, nervous |
54 | Any | कोई भी | some, all, whatever |
55 | Apart | अलग | separate, divided, distant |
56 | Appear | प्रकट होना | seem, look, show |
57 | Apple | सेब | fruit, produce, orchard fruit |
58 | Apply | आवेदन करना | request, petition, seek |
59 | Appoint | नियुक्त करना | designate, name, elect |
60 | Approach | दृष्टिकोण | method, technique, strategy |
61 | Approve | अनुमोदन करना | agree, endorse, support |
62 | Area | क्षेत्र | region, district, zone |
63 | Argue | तर्क करना | debate, dispute, quarrel |
64 | Arm | हाथ | limb, hand, branch |
65 | Army | सेना | military, troops, forces |
66 | Around | चारों ओर | about, approximately, nearly |
67 | Arrive | आना | reach, come, get to |
68 | Art | कला | craft, skill, technique |
69 | Ask | पूछना | inquire, question, request |
70 | Asleep | सोया हुआ | sleeping, dozing, napping |
71 | At | पर | in, on, by |
72 | Attack | हमला | assault, strike, raid |
73 | Attempt | प्रयास | try, effort, endeavor |
74 | Attend | भाग लेना | participate, join, be present |
75 | Attention | ध्यान | focus, concentration, heed |
76 | Attract | आकर्षित करना | draw, pull, tempt |
77 | Audience | दर्शक | spectators, viewers, crowd |
78 | August | अगस्त | eighth month |
79 | Aunt | चाची | maternal aunt, paternal aunt |
80 | Author | लेखक | writer, novelist, poet |
81 | Avoid | बचना | shun, escape, evade |
82 | Awake | जागृत | alert, conscious, wide awake |
83 | Away | दूर | absent, distant, remote |
84 | Awful | भयानक | terrible, dreadful, horrible |
85 | Awkward | अजीब | clumsy, uncomfortable, embarrassing |
86 | Baby | बच्चा | infant, child, newborn |
87 | Back | पीछे | behind, rear, reverse |
88 | Bad | बुरा | evil, wicked, immoral |
89 | Bag | थैला | sack, pouch, purse |
90 | Ball | गेंद | sphere, globe, orb |
91 | Band | बैंड | group, team, ensemble |
92 | Bank | बैंक | financial institution, shore, riverbank |
93 | Bar | बार | pub, tavern, inn |
94 | Base | आधार | foundation, basis, groundwork |
95 | Bath | स्नान | bathe, shower, soak |
96 | Battle | लड़ाई | fight, war, combat |
97 | Be | होना | exist, live, occur |
98 | Beach | समुद्र तट | seashore, coast, shoreline |
99 | Bear | भालू | ursine mammal, carry, tolerate |
100 | Beat | हराना | defeat, conquer, overcome |
101 | Beautiful | सुंदर | pretty, lovely, gorgeous |
102 | Because | क्योंकि | since, as, for |
103 | Become | बनना | turn into, grow into, develop into |
104 | Bed | बिस्तर | couch, bunk, sleeper |
105 | Before | पहले | earlier, prior, preceding |
106 | Beg | भीख माँगना | plead, implore, entreat |
107 | Begin | शुरू करना | start, commence, initiate |
108 | Behave | व्यवहार करना | act, conduct oneself, deport oneself |
109 | Behind | पीछे | back, rear, in the rear |
110 | Believe | विश्वास करना | think, suppose, consider |
111 | Bell | घंटी | chime, gong, clapper |
112 | Belong | संबंधित होना | pertain, relate, appertain |
113 | Below | नीचे | under, beneath, underneath |
114 | Beside | बगल में | next to, by the side of, alongside |
115 | Best | सबसे अच्छा | finest, superior, excellent |
116 | Better | बेहतर | superior, greater, preferable |
117 | Between | के बीच में | among, betwixt, amidst |
118 | Big | बड़ा | large, great, huge |
119 | Bill | बिल | account, invoice, check |
120 | Bird | चिड़िया | fowl, avian, winged creature |
121 | Birth | जन्म | nativity, childbirth, delivery |
122 | Bit | थोड़ा सा | piece, part, fragment |
123 | Bite | काटना | chew, nip, munch |
124 | Black | काला | dark, gloomy, somber |
125 | Blame | दोष देना | accuse, censure, criticize |
126 | Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | sanctify, consecrate, hallow |
127 | Blind | अंधा | sightless, visually impaired, non-seeing |
128 | Blood | खून | gore, lifeblood, vital fluid |
129 | Blow | फूंकना | puff, exhale, breathe out |
130 | Blue | नीला | azure, sky blue, navy blue |
131 | Board | बोर्ड | plank, panel, committee |
132 | Boat | नाव | ship, vessel, craft |
133 | Body | शरीर | corpus, physique, form |
134 | Boil | उबालना | simmer, seethe, bubble |
135 | Bold | बोल्ड | brave, courageous, daring |
136 | Bone | हड्डी | skeletal structure, framework, ossicle |
137 | Book | किताब | volume, tome, manuscript |
138 | Boot | बूट | footwear, shoe, boot |
139 | Bore | बोर करना | weary, tire, fatigue |
140 | Born | पैदा हुआ | given birth to, delivered, brought forth |
141 | Borrow | उधार लेना | lend, obtain, acquire |
142 | Boss | बॉस | supervisor, manager, chief |
143 | Both | दोनों | two, either, neither |
144 | Bottle | बोतल | flask, vial, carafe |
145 | Bottom | नीचे | base, foot, underside |
146 | Box | बॉक्स | container, case, crate |
147 | Boy | लड़का | lad, youth, young man |
148 | Brain | दिमाग | mind, intellect, intelligence |
149 | Branch | शाखा | limb, bough, offshoot |
150 | Brave | बहादुर | courageous, bold, valiant |
151 | Bread | रोटी | loaf, roll, bun |
152 | Break | तोड़ना | fracture, shatter, smash |
153 | Breakfast | नाश्ता | morning meal, brunch, first meal |
154 | Breath | सांस | respiration, exhalation, inhalation |
155 | Breathe | सांस लेना | respire, inhale, exhale |
156 | Bridge | पुल | span, viaduct, overpass |
157 | Bright | चमकदार | shining, luminous, radiant |
158 | Bring | लाना | carry, fetch, convey |
159 | Broad | चौड़ा | wide, ample, extensive |
160 | Broken | टूटा हुआ | fractured, shattered, smashed |
161 | Brother | भाई | sibling, male sibling, boy |
162 | Brown | भूरा | dark, dusky, tan |
163 | Build | बनाना | construct, erect, create |
164 | Burn | जलना | ignite, scorch, flame |
165 | Burst | फटना | explode, rupture, detonate |
166 | Bury | दफनाना | inter, entomb, inhume |
167 | Bus | बस | coach, omnibus, motorcoach |
168 | Bush | झाड़ी | shrub, thicket, copse |
169 | Business | व्यापार | commerce, industry, trade |
170 | Busy | व्यस्त | occupied, engaged, hectic |
171 | But | लेकिन | however, yet, nevertheless |
172 | Buy | खरीदना | purchase, acquire, procure |
173 | By | द्वारा | near, beside, next to |
174 | Bye | अलविदा | farewell, goodbye, adieu |
175 | Call | कॉल करना | phone, ring, summon |
176 | Calm | शांत | peaceful, tranquil, serene |
177 | Came | आया | arrived, came, reached |
178 | Camp | शिविर | encampment, bivouac, campsite |
179 | Can | कर सकते हैं | able, capable, competent |
180 | Cannot | नहीं कर सकते | unable, incapable, incompetent |
181 | Cap | टोपी | hat, headwear, bonnet |
182 | Car | कार | automobile, vehicle, motorcar |
183 | Card | कार्ड | postcard, playing card, credit card |
184 | Care | परवाह करना | concern, worry, attention |
185 | Careful | सावधान | cautious, prudent, wary |
186 | Carry | ले जाना | transport, bear, convey |
187 | Case | मामला | instance, example, situation |
188 | Cat | बिल्ली | feline, kitty, pussycat |
189 | Catch | पकड़ना | grab, seize, apprehend |
190 | Cause | कारण | reason, motive, factor |
191 | Cell | सेल | cell, cubicle, compartment |
192 | Cent | सेंट | penny, dime, coin |
193 | Centre | केंद्र | middle, core, heart |
194 | Century | शताब्दी | hundred years, centenary, centennial |
195 | Certain | निश्चित | sure, definite, positive |
196 | Chair | कुर्सी | seat, armchair, couch |
197 | Chance | मौका | opportunity, occasion, likelihood |
198 | Change | बदलना | alter, modify, transform |
199 | Cheap | सस्ता | inexpensive, affordable, budget |
200 | Cheer | चीयर | shout, cry, acclaim |
201 | Cheese | पनीर | dairy product, curd, fromage |
202 | Chef | शेफ | cook, culinary expert, chef de cuisine |
203 | Child | बच्चा | kid, offspring, youngster |
204 | Choose | चुनना | select, pick, opt |
205 | Church | चर्च | place of worship, cathedral, chapel |
206 | Circle | चक्र | ring, loop, round |
207 | City | शहर | town, metropolis, urban area |
208 | Clear | स्पष्ट | obvious, plain, evident |
209 | Clever | चालाक | intelligent, smart, bright |
210 | Climb | चढ़ना | ascend, scale, mount |
211 | Clock | घड़ी | timepiece, watch, chronometer |
212 | Close | बंद करना | shut, seal, fasten |
213 | Cloth | कपड़ा | fabric, textile, material |
214 | Clothes | कपड़े | garments, attire, apparel |
215 | Cloud | बादल | vapor, mist, fog |
216 | Club | क्लब | association, society, organization |
217 | Coal | कोयला | carbon, fuel, mineral |
218 | Coast | तट | shore, beach, seaside |
219 | Coat | कोट | jacket, overcoat, coat |
220 | Coffee | कॉफी | beverage, brew, java |
221 | Cold | ठंडा | chilly, freezing, frosty |
222 | Collect | इकट्ठा करना | gather, assemble, accumulate |
223 | College | कॉलेज | institution of higher education, university, academy |
224 | Colour | रंग | hue, tint, shade |
225 | Come | आना | arrive, approach, come |
226 | Comfort | आराम | ease, relief, consolation |
227 | Common | आम | ordinary, usual, regular |
228 | Company | कंपनी | firm, corporation, business |
229 | Compare | तुलना करना | contrast, liken, match |
230 | Complete | पूरा | finished, concluded, perfect |
231 | Complex | जटिल | complicated, intricate, involved |
232 | Condition | स्थिति | state, circumstance, situation |
233 | Connect | कनेक्ट करना | join, link, unite |
234 | Consider | विचार करना | think about, contemplate, ponder |
235 | Contain | शामिल होना | include, comprise, hold |
236 | Continue | जारी रखना | persist, endure, carry on |
237 | Control | नियंत्रण | command, govern, regulate |
238 | Cook | खाना बनाना | prepare food, cook, bake |
239 | Cool | ठंडा | cold, chilly, refreshing |
240 | Copy | कॉपी | duplicate, replica, imitation |
241 | Corn | मक्का | maize, cereal, grain |
242 | Corner | कोना | angle, nook, recess |
243 | Correct | सही | right, accurate, true |
244 | Cost | लागत | price, expense, charge |
245 | Cotton | कपास | soft fiber, fabric, textile |
246 | Cough | खांसी | cough, hack, wheeze |
247 | Could | कर सकते थे | was able to, could, might |
248 | Count | गिनती | enumerate, tally, calculate |
249 | Country | देश | nation, state, land |
250 | Couple | जोड़ा | pair, duo, twosome |
251 | Courage | साहस | bravery, boldness, valor |
252 | Course | कोर्स | class, program, curriculum |
253 | Court | अदालत | tribunal, law court, judiciary |
254 | Cover | कवर | lid, top, wrapper |
255 | Cow | गाय | bovine, heifer, milk cow |
256 | Crack | दरार | fissure, split, break |
257 | Crazy | पागल | insane, mad, deranged |
258 | Create | बनाना | make, produce, construct |
259 | Creature | प्राणी | being, organism, animal |
260 | Crew | क्रू | team, staff, personnel |
261 | Crime | अपराध | offense, felony, misdemeanor |
262 | Cross | पार करना | traverse, cross over, go across |
263 | Crowd | भीड़ | throng, multitude, mass |
264 | Crown | ताज | diadem, coronet, tiara |
265 | Cry | रोना | weep, sob, shed tears |
266 | Cup | कप | mug, beaker, goblet |
267 | Cure | इलाज | remedy, treatment, healing |
268 | Curl | कर्ल | ringlet, wave, twist |
269 | Current | वर्तमान | present, contemporary, existing |
270 | Curtain | पर्दा | drape, blind, screen |
271 | Curve | वक्र | bend, arc, crook |
272 | Cut | काटना | slice, chop, sever |
273 | Cute | प्यारा | adorable, charming, delightful |
274 | Dad | पिताजी | father, daddy, pa |
275 | Dance | नृत्य | ballet, ballroom, tap |
276 | Danger | खतरा | peril, risk, hazard |
277 | Dark | अंधेरा | gloomy, dim, shadowy |
278 | Date | तारीख | day, time, period |
279 | Daughter | बेटी | girl, female child, offspring |
280 | Day | दिन | daytime, daylight, diurnal |
281 | Dead | मृत | deceased, lifeless, expired |
282 | Deal | सौदा | transaction, agreement, bargain |
283 | Dear | प्रिय | beloved, darling, cherished |
284 | Death | मृत्यु | demise, mortality, fatality |
285 | Debt | ऋण | obligation, liability, indebtedness |
286 | Decide | निर्णय लेना | determine, resolve, conclude |
287 | Deep | गहरा | profound, intense, thorough |
288 | Defeat | हार | loss, failure, setback |
289 | Defend | बचाव करना | protect, guard, shield |
290 | Degree | डिग्री | level, extent, amount |
291 | Delay | देरी | postponement, deferment, adjournment |
292 | Delight | प्रसन्नता | pleasure, joy, happiness |
293 | Deliver | वितरित करना | deliver, convey, transport |
294 | Demand | मांग | claim, request, requisition |
295 | Deny | इनकार करना | refute, reject, contradict |
296 | Depart | प्रस्थान करना | leave, go, exit |
297 | Depend | निर्भर होना | rely, count, trust |
298 | Describe | वर्णन करना | portray, depict, delineate |
299 | Desert | रेगिस्तान | wasteland, wilderness, barren land |
300 | Design | डिजाइन | plan, blueprint, sketch |
301 | Desire | इच्छा | wish, want, longing |
302 | Destroy | नष्ट करना | demolish, raze, annihilate |
303 | Detail | विवरण | particular, item, point |
304 | Develop | विकसित करना | grow, evolve, expand |
305 | Device | उपकरण | gadget, tool, instrument |
306 | Devil | शैतान | demon, fiend, evil spirit |
307 | Die | मरना | perish, expire, decease |
308 | Difference | अंतर | disparity, divergence, variation |
309 | Different | अलग | distinct, diverse, dissimilar |
310 | Difficult | कठिन | hard, tough, challenging |
311 | Dig | खोदना | excavate, burrow, delve |
312 | Dinner | रात का खाना | supper, evening meal, dinner |
313 | Direct | प्रत्यक्ष | straight, immediate, uncomplicated |
314 | Dirty | गंदा | filthy, unclean, soiled |
315 | Discover | खोज करना | find, uncover, detect |
316 | Discuss | चर्चा करना | talk, debate, converse |
317 | Disease | बीमारी | illness, sickness, ailment |
318 | Dish | डिश | plate, platter, bowl |
319 | Distant | दूर | remote, far, faraway |
320 | Divide | विभाजित करना | separate, split, partition |
321 | Doctor | डॉक्टर | physician, medical practitioner, MD |
322 | Dog | कुत्ता | canine, hound, pooch |
323 | Doll | गुड़िया | toy, doll, puppet |
324 | Dollar | डॉलर | US currency, dollar bill, dollar note |
325 | Door | दरवाजा | doorway, entrance, gate |
326 | Dot | बिंदु | point, speck, spot |
327 | Double | दोगुना | twofold, twice, dual |
328 | Doubt | संदेह | uncertainty, hesitation, question |
329 | Down | नीचे | downward, below, beneath |
330 | Draw | आकर्षित करना | pull, drag, tug |
331 | Dream | सपना | vision, fantasy, illusion |
332 | Dress | पोशाक | garment, clothing, attire |
333 | Drink | पीना | imbibe, sip, gulp |
334 | Drive | ड्राइव करना | operate a vehicle, drive, steer |
335 | Drop | बूंद | droplet, bead, tear |
336 | Dry | सूखा | arid, parched, dehydrated |
337 | Duck | बतख | waterfowl, duck, waterbird |
338 | Dull | सुस्त | boring, tedious, monotonous |
339 | During | दौरान | throughout, while, in the course of |
340 | Dust | धूल | powder, dirt, grime |
341 | Duty | कर्तव्य | responsibility, obligation, task |
342 | Each | प्रत्येक | every, all, any |
343 | Eagle | ईगल | bird of prey, raptor, eagle |
344 | Ear | कान | hearing organ, ear, auris |
345 | Early | जल्दी | soon, premature, beforehand |
346 | Earn | कमाना | make, gain, acquire |
347 | Earth | पृथ्वी | planet, world, globe |
348 | Easy | आसान | simple, effortless, straightforward |
349 | Eat | खाना | consume, ingest, devour |
350 | Edge | किनारा | border, rim, brink |
351 | Effect | प्रभाव | result, consequence, outcome |
352 | Egg | अंडा | ovum, egg cell, avian egg |
353 | Eight | आठ | eight, VIII, VIII |
354 | Either | या तो | one or the other, alternatively, either way |
355 | Electric | बिजली का | electrical, electronic, electrifying |
356 | Eleven | ग्यारह | eleven, XI, XI |
357 | Else | अन्यथा | otherwise, alternatively, or else |
358 | Empty | खाली | vacant, void, bare |
359 | End | अंत | finish, conclusion, termination |
360 | Enemy | दुश्मन | foe, adversary, opponent |
361 | Energy | ऊर्जा | power, vigor, force |
362 | Enough | पर्याप्त | sufficient, adequate, plenty |
363 | Enter | प्रवेश करना | go in, enter, come in |
364 | Entire | पूर्ण | whole, complete, total |
365 | Equal | बराबर | same, equivalent, identical |
366 | Error | त्रुटि | mistake, blunder, fault |
367 | Escape | भाग जाना | flee, evade, avoid |
368 | Even | यहाँ तक कि | even, even so, even then |
369 | Evening | शाम | dusk, nightfall, night |
370 | Event | घटना | occurrence, incident, affair |
371 | Ever | कभी | always, forever, eternally |
372 | Every | प्रत्येक | each, all, any |
373 | Evil | बुराई | wickedness, malice, sin |
374 | Exact | सटीक | precise, accurate, correct |
375 | Example | उदाहरण | illustration, instance, sample |
376 | Examine | जांच करना | inspect, scrutinize, study |
377 | Except | सिवाय | excluding, apart from, but |
378 | Excited | उत्तेजित | thrilled, enthusiastic, exhilarated |
379 | Exercise | व्यायाम | physical activity, workout, training |
380 | Expect | उम्मीद करना | anticipate, await, look forward to |
381 | Expensive | महंगा | costly, pricey, exorbitant |
382 | Experience | अनुभव | encounter, ordeal, trial |
383 | Explain | समझाना | clarify, elucidate, interpret |
384 | Extra | अतिरिक्त | additional, supplementary, surplus |
385 | Eye | आँख | eyeball, optic, oculus |
386 | Face | चेहरा | visage, countenance, facade |
387 | Fact | तथ्य | truth, reality, certainty |
388 | Fail | असफल होना | falter, flounder, stumble |
389 | Fair | निष्पक्ष | just, equitable, impartial |
390 | Fall | गिरना | tumble, drop, plunge |
391 | FALSE | झूठा | untrue, wrong, inaccurate |
392 | Family | परिवार | household, clan, kin |
393 | Famous | प्रसिद्ध | renowned, celebrated, illustrious |
394 | Far | दूर | distant, remote, faraway |
395 | Farm | खेत | agricultural land, ranch, plantation |
396 | Fast | तेज | quick, rapid, swift |
397 | Fat | मोटा | obese, overweight, plump |
398 | Father | पिता | dad, daddy, sire |
399 | Fear | डर | fright, terror, alarm |
400 | Fee | शुल्क | charge, cost, expense |
401 | Feel | महसूस करना | sense, perceive, experience |
402 | Female | महिला | woman, girl, feminine |
403 | Few | कुछ | not many, a few, several |
404 | Field | क्षेत्र | area, domain, sphere |
405 | Fight | लड़ाई | battle, combat, skirmish |
406 | Figure | आकृति | shape, form, configuration |
407 | Fill | भरना | full, complete, satisfy |
408 | Final | अंतिम | last, ultimate, conclusive |
409 | Find | मिलना | discover, locate, unearth |
410 | Fine | ठीक | good, excellent, perfect |
411 | Finger | उंगली | digit, finger, fingertip |
412 | Finish | खत्म करना | complete, conclude, end |
413 | Fire | आग | flame, blaze, inferno |
414 | First | पहला | initial, primary, foremost |
415 | Fish | मछली | aquatic animal, fish, piscine |
416 | Fit | फिट | healthy, trim, toned |
417 | Fix | ठीक करना | repair, mend, adjust |
418 | Flat | सपाट | level, smooth, even |
419 | Floor | मंजिल | level, story, deck |
420 | Flower | फूल | blossom, bloom, floral |
421 | Fly | उड़ना | soar, glide, wing |
422 | Follow | अनुसरण करना | pursue, track, trace |
423 | Food | खाना | nourishment, sustenance, provender |
424 | Fool | मूर्ख | idiot, imbecile, simpleton |
425 | Foot | पैर | pedal extremity, lower limb, pedal |
426 | For | के लिए | because, since, as |
427 | Force | बल | power, strength, might |
428 | Foreign | विदेशी | overseas, exotic, alien |
429 | Forest | जंगल | woodland, wood, timberland |
430 | Forget | भूल जाना | overlook, neglect, disregard |
431 | Forgive | माफ करना | pardon, excuse, absolve |
432 | Fork | कांटा | eating utensil, fork, tines |
433 | Form | फॉर्म | shape, figure, configuration |
434 | Forward | आगे | ahead, onward, forth |
435 | Found | स्थापित करना | establish, institute, create |
436 | Four | चार | four, IV, IV |
437 | Free | मुक्त | liberated, unconfined, independent |
438 | Friend | दोस्त | companion, buddy, chum |
439 | Frighten | डराना | scare, terrify, intimidate |
440 | From | से | since, starting from, beginning with |
441 | Front | सामने | forward, ahead, leading |
442 | Fruit | फल | produce, crop, yield |
443 | Full | पूरा | complete, entire, whole |
444 | Fun | मज़ा | enjoyment, pleasure, delight |
445 | Funny | हास्य | humorous, comical, amusing |
446 | Future | भविष्य | time to come, hereafter, tomorrow |
447 | Game | खेल | sport, pastime, recreation |
448 | Garden | बगीचा | orchard, park, lawn |
449 | Gas | गैस | air, vapor, fume |
450 | Gate | गेट | doorway, entrance, portal |
451 | Gather | इकट्ठा करना | assemble, collect, congregate |
452 | Give | देना | donate, present, offer |
453 | Glad | खुश | happy, pleased, delighted |
454 | Glass | गिलास | drinking vessel, tumbler, goblet |
455 | Go | जाना | depart, leave, proceed |
456 | Goal | लक्ष्य | objective, aim, purpose |
457 | God | भगवान | deity, divinity, supreme being |
458 | Gold | सोना | golden metal, gold, golden |
459 | Good | अच्छा | excellent, fine, great |
460 | Govern | शासन करना | rule, control, lead |
461 | Grab | पकड़ना | snatch, seize, clutch |
462 | Grace | अनुग्रह | elegance, charm, favor |
463 | Grade | ग्रेड | level, rank, degree |
464 | Grain | अनाज | cereal, crop, seed |
465 | Grand | भव्य | magnificent, splendid, impressive |
466 | Grant | अनुदान | award, bestow, confer |
467 | Grass | घास | turf, lawn, meadow |
468 | Great | महान | large, big, huge |
469 | Green | हरा | verdant, grassy, leafy |
470 | Grey | ग्रे | gray, grayish, silver-gray |
471 | Ground | जमीन | earth, land, soil |
472 | Group | समूह | cluster, band, gang |
473 | Grow | बढ़ना | increase, develop, expand |
474 | Guess | अनुमान लगाना | conjecture, speculate, suppose |
475 | Guest | अतिथि | visitor, invitee, company |
476 | Guide | गाइड | leader, conductor, director |
477 | Guitar | गिटार | stringed instrument, guitar, six-string |
478 | Gun | बंदूक | firearm, rifle, pistol |
479 | Guy | आदमी | man, fellow, dude |
480 | Hair | बाल | locks, tresses, strands |
481 | Half | आधा | partial, fractional, incomplete |
482 | Hall | हॉल | corridor, lobby, vestibule |
483 | Hand | हाथ | palm, paw, mitt |
484 | Hang | लटकाना | suspend, dangle, droop |
485 | Happen | होना | occur, take place, transpire |
486 | Happy | खुश | joyful, glad, cheerful |
487 | Hard | कठिन | difficult, tough, challenging |
488 | Harm | नुकसान | damage, injury, hurt |
489 | Hate | नफरत करना | detest, abhor, loathe |
490 | Have | होना | possess, own, hold |
491 | Head | सिर | head, skull, cranium |
492 | Heal | चंगा करना | cure, remedy, restore |
493 | Health | स्वास्थ्य | wellness, well-being, fitness |
494 | Hear | सुनना | listen, perceive, overhear |
495 | Heart | दिल | organ, core, center |
496 | Heat | गर्मी | warmth, hotness, temperature |
497 | Heavy | भारी | weighty, ponderous, massive |
498 | Hell | नरक | underworld, inferno, perdition |
499 | Help | मदद | assistance, aid, support |
500 | Here | यहाँ | this place, this spot, here |
501 | Hide | छिपाना | conceal, disguise, mask |
502 | High | ऊँचा | tall, lofty, elevated |
503 | Hill | पहाड़ी | mound, knoll, rise |
504 | Him | उसे | he, his, himself |
505 | His | उसका | his, possessive pronoun, masculine possessive |
506 | Hit | मारना | strike, punch, slap |
507 | Hold | पकड़ना | grasp, grip, clutch |
508 | Hole | छेद | opening, gap, cavity |
509 | Holiday | छुट्टी | vacation, break, leave |
510 | Home | घर | residence, domicile, dwelling |
511 | Hope | उम्मीद | wish, desire, aspiration |
512 | Hot | गरम | warm, heated, torrid |
513 | Hour | घंटा | sixty minutes, hour, 60 minutes |
514 | House | घर | home, residence, dwelling |
515 | How | कैसे | in what way, by what means, in what manner |
516 | Huge | विशाल | enormous, immense, vast |
517 | Human | मानव | person, individual, human being |
518 | Hundred | सौ | one hundred, 100, C |
519 | Hungry | भूखा | starving, famished, ravenous |
520 | Hunt | शिकार करना | chase, pursue, track |
521 | Hurt | चोट पहुँचाना | injure, wound, harm |
522 | Hurry | जल्दी करना | rush, hasten, accelerate |
523 | Husband | पति | spouse, mate, partner |
524 | Ice | बर्फ | frozen water, ice, frost |
525 | Idea | विचार | thought, concept, notion |
526 | If | यदि | whether, supposing, provided that |
527 | Ill | बीमार | sick, unwell, unhealthy |
528 | Image | छवि | picture, photo, likeness |
529 | Imagine | कल्पना करना | visualize, envision, conceive |
530 | Important | महत्वपूर्ण | significant, crucial, essential |
531 | Improve | सुधारना | better, enhance, ameliorate |
532 | In | में | inside, within, into |
533 | Inch | इंच | unit of length, inch, in |
534 | Include | शामिल करना | comprise, contain, encompass |
535 | Increase | वृद्धि करना | grow, expand, augment |
536 | Indeed | वास्तव में | truly, certainly, in fact |
537 | Independent | स्वतंत्र | autonomous, self-governing, sovereign |
538 | Industry | उद्योग | manufacturing, production, business |
539 | Infect | संक्रमित करना | contaminate, pollute, taint |
540 | Influence | प्रभाव | impact, effect, sway |
541 | Information | जानकारी | data, news, intelligence |
542 | Inside | अंदर | interior, inner, inward |
543 | Instead | इसके बजाय | in place of, rather than, alternatively |
544 | Interest | ब्याज | curiosity, fascination, attention |
545 | Interesting | दिलचस्प | fascinating, captivating, intriguing |
546 | Into | में | to, toward, inside |
547 | Introduce | परिचय कराना | present, acquaint, familiarize |
548 | Invent | आविष्कार करना | create, devise, design |
549 | Invite | आमंत्रित करना | ask, beckon, summon |
550 | Iron | लोहा | metal, iron, ferrous |
551 | Island | द्वीप | isle, landmass, territory |
552 | Issue | मुद्दा | problem, question, concern |
553 | It | यह | it, pronoun, neuter pronoun |
554 | Its | इसका | its, possessive pronoun, neuter possessive |
555 | Job | नौकरी | occupation, work, position |
556 | Join | जुड़ना | connect, unite, combine |
557 | Joke | मजाक | jest, gag, quip |
558 | Journey | यात्रा | trip, voyage, excursion |
559 | Joy | आनंद | happiness, gladness, delight |
560 | Judge | न्यायाधीश | jurist, referee, arbiter |
561 | Jump | कूदना | leap, spring, bound |
562 | Just | बस | merely, simply, only |
563 | Keep | रखना | retain, preserve, maintain |
564 | Key | चाबी | key, lock, bolt |
565 | Kick | किक मारना | kick, punt, boot |
566 | Kill | मारना | slay, murder, execute |
567 | Kind | दयालु | benevolent, compassionate, merciful |
568 | King | राजा | monarch, sovereign, ruler |
569 | Kiss | चुंबन | kiss, peck, smooch |
570 | Kitchen | रसोईघर | cookery, galley, scullery |
571 | Knee | घुटना | knee, kneecap, patella |
572 | Knife | चाकू | blade, cutlass, dagger |
573 | Know | जानना | understand, comprehend, recognize |
574 | Knowledge | ज्ञान | learning, erudition, scholarship |
575 | Land | भूमि | earth, ground, soil |
576 | Language | भाषा | tongue, speech, dialect |
577 | Large | बड़ा | big, great, huge |
578 | Last | अंतिम | final, latest, ultimate |
579 | Late | देर से | tardy, behind schedule, overdue |
580 | Laugh | हंसना | chuckle, giggle, guffaw |
581 | Law | कानून | legislation, statute, code |
582 | Lay | रखना | place, put, set |
583 | Lead | नेतृत्व करना | guide, direct, command |
584 | Leader | नेता | chief, head, commander |
585 | Leaf | पत्ता | foliage, leafage, leaf |
586 | Learn | सीखना | study, acquire knowledge, gain knowledge |
587 | Least | कम से कम | minimum, smallest, fewest |
588 | Leave | छोड़ना | depart, go, exit |
589 | Left | बायाँ | left, sinistral, sinister |
590 | Leg | पैर | limb, lower limb, shank |
591 | Legal | कानूनी | lawful, legitimate, licit |
592 | Lend | उधार देना | loan, give, provide |
593 | Less | कम | fewer, smaller, minor |
594 | Let | देना | allow, permit, enable |
595 | Letter | पत्र | epistle, note, missive |
596 | Level | स्तर | grade, rank, degree |
597 | Lie | झूठ बोलना | fib, deceive, prevaricate |
598 | Life | जीवन | existence, living, being alive |
599 | Light | प्रकाश | illumination, luminosity, brightness |
600 | Like | पसंद करना | enjoy, appreciate, love |
601 | Limit | सीमा | boundary, restriction, constraint |
602 | Line | रेखा | stripe, streak, band |
603 | Lion | शेर | king of the |
604 | Lion | शेर | king of beasts, big cat, feline |
605 | List | सूची | inventory, catalogue, register |
606 | Listen | सुनना | hear, attend, heed |
607 | Little | छोटा | small, tiny, minute |
608 | Live | जीना | exist, survive, endure |
609 | Load | भार | burden, weight, cargo |
610 | Loan | ऋण | credit, debt, advance |
611 | Local | स्थानीय | native, indigenous, domestic |
612 | Lock | ताला | fastener, bolt, catch |
613 | Long | लंबा | lengthy, extended, prolonged |
614 | Look | देखना | glance, gaze, stare |
615 | Lose | खोना | misplace, forfeit, relinquish |
616 | Loss | हानि | damage, detriment, harm |
617 | Loud | ज़ोर से | noisy, clamorous, boisterous |
618 | Love | प्यार | affection, fondness, devotion |
619 | Low | नीचा | humble, lowly, meek |
620 | Luck | भाग्य | fortune, chance, fate |
621 | Lucky | भाग्यशाली | fortunate, chance, lucky |
622 | Lunch | दोपहर का भोजन | midday meal, luncheon, dinner |
623 | Machine | मशीन | apparatus, device, engine |
624 | Mad | पागल | insane, crazy, deranged |
625 | Magic | जादू | sorcery, witchcraft, enchantment |
626 | Maid | नौकरानी | servant, maid, domestic |
627 | डाक | post, postal service, mail service | |
628 | Main | मुख्य | principal, primary, chief |
629 | Make | बनाना | create, produce, manufacture |
630 | Male | पुरुष | man, boy, masculine |
631 | Man | आदमी | human, male, gentleman |
632 | Many | कई | numerous, plentiful, abundant |
633 | Map | नक्शा | chart, diagram, plan |
634 | March | मार्च | third month, March, III |
635 | Mark | निशान | sign, symbol, indication |
636 | Market | बाजार | marketplace, bazaar, fair |
637 | Marry | शादी करना | wed, espouse, unite |
638 | Mass | जनसमूह | bulk, body, majority |
639 | Master | मालिक | owner, proprietor, lord |
640 | Match | मैच | game, contest, competition |
641 | Matter | पदार्थ | substance, material, stuff |
642 | May | मई | fifth month, May, V |
643 | Maybe | शायद | perhaps, possibly, conceivably |
644 | Me | मुझे | me, myself, I |
645 | Meal | भोजन | repast, feast, banquet |
646 | Mean | मतलब | signify, indicate, denote |
647 | Meaning | अर्थ | significance, sense, import |
648 | Measure | माप | dimension, extent, quantity |
649 | Meat | मांस | flesh, muscle, meat |
650 | Meet | मिलना | encounter, come across, run into |
651 | Meeting | बैठक | assembly, gathering, conference |
652 | Member | सदस्य | associate, participant, constituent |
653 | Memory | स्मृति | recollection, remembrance, reminiscence |
654 | Mend | मरम्मत करना | repair, fix, remedy |
655 | Mess | गड़बड़ | disorder, confusion, chaos |
656 | Metal | धातु | metallic element, metal, metallic substance |
657 | Method | विधि | procedure, technique, system |
658 | Middle | मध्य | center, middle, heart |
659 | Might | शायद | may, could, possibly |
660 | Mile | मील | unit of length, mile, mi |
661 | Milk | दूध | dairy product, milk, lacteal secretion |
662 | Mind | मन | intellect, brain, consciousness |
663 | Mine | मेरा | my, mine, possessive pronoun |
664 | Minute | मिनट | moment, instant, second |
665 | Miss | याद करना | long for, yearn for, pine for |
666 | Mistake | गलती | error, blunder, slip-up |
667 | Mix | मिलाना | blend, combine, mingle |
668 | Modern | आधुनिक | contemporary, current, recent |
669 | Moment | क्षण | instant, second, trice |
670 | Money | पैसा | currency, funds, cash |
671 | Month | महीना | lunar month, calendar month, month |
672 | Moon | चाँद | satellite, lunar body, Luna |
673 | More | अधिक | greater, larger, bigger |
674 | Morning | सुबह | dawn, daybreak, sunrise |
675 | Most | अधिकांश | majority, bulk, preponderance |
676 | Mother | माँ | mom, mummy, mama |
677 | Motion | गति | movement, action, gesture |
678 | Mountain | पहाड़ | hill, peak, massif |
679 | Mouth | मुँह | oral cavity, mouth, maw |
680 | Move | हिलना | shift, displace, relocate |
681 | Much | बहुत | a lot, many, plenty |
682 | Mud | कीचड़ | mire, clay, dirt |
683 | Music | संगीत | melody, harmony, tune |
684 | Must | चाहिए | have to, must, ought to |
685 | My | मेरा | my, mine, possessive pronoun |
686 | Myself | स्वयं | myself, me, I |
687 | Mystery | रहस्य | enigma, puzzle, riddle |
688 | Nail | कील | nail, spike, peg |
689 | Name | नाम | appellation, designation, title |
690 | Narrow | संकीर्ण | narrow, slim, slender |
691 | Nation | राष्ट्र | country, state, land |
692 | Natural | प्राकृतिक | inherent, innate, intrinsic |
693 | Near | पास | close, adjacent, neighboring |
694 | Neat | साफ-सुथरा | tidy, orderly, clean |
695 | Necessary | आवश्यक | essential, indispensable, requisite |
696 | Neck | गर्दन | throat, neck, cervix |
697 | Need | आवश्यकता | requirement, demand, necessity |
698 | Negative | नकारात्मक | pessimistic, cynical, skeptical |
699 | Neighbor | पड़ोसी | neighbor, next-door neighbor, neighbor |
700 | Never | कभी नहीं | not ever, not at any time, not once |
701 | New | नया | fresh, novel, modern |
702 | Next | अगला | following, subsequent, ensuing |
703 | Nice | अच्छा | pleasant, agreeable, delightful |
704 | Night | रात | nighttime, darkness, evening |
705 | No | नहीं | not, none, never |
706 | Noise | शोर | sound, racket, din |
707 | Noon | दोपहर | midday, noontime, twelve o’clock |
708 | Nor | न ही | neither, not either, not |
709 | North | उत्तर | north, northward, northerly |
710 | Nose | नाक | nasal organ, nose, snout |
711 | Not | नहीं | not, no, negative |
712 | Note | नोट | memo, reminder, annotation |
713 | Nothing | कुछ नहीं | naught, nil, zero |
714 | Notice | नोटिस | observation, perception, awareness |
715 | Now | अब | at present, currently, presently |
716 | Number | संख्या | numeral, figure, digit |
717 | Nurse | नर्स | caregiver, nurse, nursemaid |
718 | Object | वस्तु | thing, item, article |
719 | Obtain | प्राप्त करना | acquire, gain, procure |
720 | Ocean | महासागर | sea, marine, maritime |
721 | Odd | विषम | strange, peculiar, eccentric |
722 | Of | का | of, belonging to, concerning |
723 | Off | बंद | off, disconnected, switched off |
724 | Offer | प्रस्ताव | proposal, bid, suggestion |
725 | Often | अक्सर | frequently, often, regularly |
726 | Oil | तेल | petroleum, oil, lubricant |
727 | Old | पुराना | aged, elderly, ancient |
728 | On | पर | upon, over, above |
729 | Once | एक बार | one time, formerly, previously |
730 | Only | केवल | merely, solely, exclusively |
731 | Open | खोलना | uncover, unfasten, unlock |
732 | Operate | संचालन करना | function, work, run |
733 | Opinion | राय | view, belief, judgment |
734 | Opportunity | अवसर | chance, occasion, opening |
735 | Opposite | विपरीत | contrary, reverse, reverse |
736 | Or | या | either, otherwise, or else |
737 | Orange | नारंगी | citrus fruit, orange, orange-colored |
738 | Order | आदेश | command, instruction, directive |
739 | Ordinary | साधारण | common, usual, normal |
740 | Organ | अंग | body part, instrument, mechanism |
741 | Other | दूसरा | different, another, else |
742 | Our | हमारा | our, ours, possessive pronoun |
743 | Out | बाहर | outside, exterior, external |
744 | Outside | बाहर | exterior, outer, external |
745 | Over | ऊपर | above, over, on top of |
746 | Own | अपना | own, belonging to oneself, possessive |
747 | Pain | दर्द | ache, soreness, discomfort |
748 | Paint | पेंट करना | color, dye, coat |
749 | Pair | जोड़ी | couple, duo, twosome |
750 | Paper | कागज | paper, paper sheet, paper stock |
751 | Parent | माता-पिता | father |
752 | Parent | माता-पिता | mother and father, father and mother, mom and dad |
753 | Park | पार्क | garden, public garden, green space |
754 | Part | हिस्सा | portion, section, segment |
755 | Party | पार्टी | gathering, celebration, function |
756 | Pass | पास | certificate, permit, license |
757 | Past | अतीत | bygone, former, previous |
758 | Path | रास्ता | way, track, trail |
759 | Patient | रोगी | sufferer, invalid, case |
760 | Pay | भुगतान करना | settle, discharge, acquit |
761 | Peace | शांति | tranquility, calmness, serenity |
762 | Pen | कलम | writing instrument, pen, fountain pen |
763 | Pencil | पेंसिल | writing instrument, pencil, lead pencil |
764 | People | लोग | persons, individuals, folk |
765 | Perfect | परिपूर्ण | flawless, impeccable, faultless |
766 | Perhaps | शायद | maybe, possibly, conceivably |
767 | Period | अवधि | time, duration, span |
768 | Person | व्यक्ति | individual, human being, person |
769 | Phone | फोन | telephone, cell phone, mobile phone |
770 | Photo | फोटो | photograph, picture, image |
771 | Pick | चुनना | select, choose, opt |
772 | Picture | तस्वीर | image, photo, painting |
773 | Piece | टुकड़ा | part, portion, fragment |
774 | Pig | सुअर | swine, hog, porker |
775 | Pin | पिन | fastener, brooch, badge |
776 | Pink | गुलाबी | rosy, blush, rosy-pink |
777 | Place | जगह | location, site, spot |
778 | Plan | योजना | scheme, design, blueprint |
779 | Plant | पौधा | flora, vegetation, greenery |
780 | Play | खेलना | amuse oneself, sport, frolic |
781 | Please | कृपया | kindly, please, if you please |
782 | Pleasure | खुशी | delight, enjoyment, gratification |
783 | Plenty | बहुत | abundance, profusion, copiousness |
784 | Poem | कविता | verse, poetry, poetic composition |
785 | Poet | कवि | verse-maker, lyricist, bard |
786 | Point | बिंदु | dot, spot, speck |
787 | Poor | गरीब | impoverished, needy, destitute |
788 | Possible | संभव | feasible, practicable, achievable |
789 | Post | पोस्ट | mail, post, postal service |
790 | Pot | बर्तन | container, vessel, pot |
791 | Pound | पाउंड | unit of weight, pound, lb |
792 | Power | शक्ति | authority, influence, control |
793 | Practice | अभ्यास | exercise, drill, repetition |
794 | Praise | प्रशंसा | commendation, acclaim, applause |
795 | Pray | प्रार्थना करना | supplicate, beseech, implore |
796 | Present | उपस्थित | current, contemporary, existing |
797 | Pretty | सुंदर | beautiful, attractive, lovely |
798 | Price | कीमत | cost, charge, expense |
799 | Pride | गर्व | self-respect, dignity, esteem |
800 | Priest | पुजारी | clergyman, cleric, minister |
801 | Prince | राजकुमार | royal, prince, crown prince |
802 | Princess | राजकुमारी | royal, princess, princess |
803 | प्रिंट | impression, imprint, stamp | |
804 | Prison | जेल | jail, penitentiary, gaol |
805 | Prize | पुरस्कार | award, reward, honor |
806 | Problem | समस्या | difficulty, issue, complication |
807 | Produce | उत्पादन करना | manufacture, create, fabricate |
808 | Product | उत्पाद | item, article, commodity |
809 | Professor | प्रोफेसर | academic, scholar, teacher |
810 | Program | कार्यक्रम | schedule, plan, itinerary |
811 | Progress | प्रगति | advancement, development, improvement |
812 | Promise | वादा | pledge, vow, undertaking |
813 | Proof | प्रमाण | evidence, verification, corroboration |
814 | Proper | उचित | suitable, appropriate, correct |
815 | Property | संपत्ति | belongings, possessions, estate |
816 | Protect | रक्षा करना | guard, shield, defend |
817 | Proud | गर्वित | pleased, gratified, delighted |
818 | Prove | साबित करना | demonstrate, establish, verify |
819 | Public | जनता | people, populace, citizenry |
820 | Pull | खींचना | tug, drag, haul |
821 | Pump | पंप | pump, siphon, aspirator |
822 | Punch | मुक्का मारना | strike, hit, blow |
823 | Pupil | छात्र | student, learner, disciple |
824 | Push | धक्का देना | shove, propel, thrust |
825 | Put | रखना | place, set, position |
826 | Quality | गुणवत्ता | excellence, superiority, merit |
827 | Quarter | तिमाही | fourth part, quarter, fourth |
828 | Queen | रानी | monarch, sovereign, queen |
829 | Question | प्रश्न | query, inquiry, interrogation |
830 | Quick | तेज़ | fast, rapid, swift |
831 | Quiet | शांत | silent, still, hushed |
832 | Quite | काफी | rather, fairly, pretty |
833 | Race | दौड़ | contest, competition, rivalry |
834 | Radio | रेडियो | radio, wireless, broadcast |
835 | Rain | बारिश | precipitation, rainfall, shower |
836 | Raise | बढ़ाना | lift, elevate, hoist |
837 | Range | रेंज | scope, extent, compass |
838 | Rank | रैंक | position, standing, grade |
839 | Rapid | तेज़ | fast, quick, swift |
840 | Rare | दुर्लभ | uncommon, infrequent, scarce |
841 | Rate | दर | speed, velocity, pace |
842 | Rather | बल्कि | preferably, sooner, sooner or later |
843 | Reach | पहुँचना | arrive, attain, achieve |
844 | Read | पढ़ना | peruse, study, scan |
845 | Ready | तैयार | prepared, equipped, fit |
846 | Real | असली | genuine, authentic, true |
847 | Reason | कारण | cause, motive, ground |
848 | Receive | प्राप्त करना | get, obtain, acquire |
849 | Recent | हाल ही में | late, modern, new |
850 | Recognize | पहचानना | identify, distinguish, discern |
851 | Record | रिकॉर्ड | document, account, chronicle |
852 | Red | लाल | scarlet, crimson, ruby |
853 | Reduce | कम करना | lessen, decrease, diminish |
854 | Refuse | मना करना | decline, reject, turn down |
855 | Regard | संबंध | respect, esteem, consideration |
856 | Region | क्षेत्र | area, district, zone |
857 | Regret | पछतावा | remorse, repentance, contrition |
858 | Regular | नियमित | routine, ordinary, normal |
859 | Relation | संबंध | connection, relationship, association |
860 | Relative | रिश्तेदार | kinsman, kin, relation |
861 | Relax | आराम करना | unwind, rest, de-stress |
862 | Religion | धर्म | faith, belief, creed |
863 | Remain | रहना | stay, continue, abide |
864 | Remember | याद रखना | recall, recollect, think back |
865 | Remind | याद दिलाना | prompt, jog memory, cue |
866 | Remove | हटाना | eliminate, delete, erase |
867 | Rent | किराया | lease, hire, rental |
868 | Repair | मरम्मत करना | fix, mend, restore |
869 | Repeat | दोहराना | reiterate, restate, recapitulate |
870 | Reply | जवाब देना | respond, answer, retort |
871 | Report | रिपोर्ट | account, statement, description |
872 | Represent | प्रतिनिधित्व करना | symbolize, embody, stand for |
873 | Request | अनुरोध | plea, petition, entreaty |
874 | Require | आवश्यकता होती है | need, demand, necessitate |
875 | Rescue | बचाव करना | save, deliver, liberate |
876 | Research | शोध | investigation, inquiry, study |
877 | Respect | सम्मान | esteem, regard, deference |
878 | Rest | आराम करना | relax, repose, recline |
879 | Result | परिणाम | outcome, consequence, effect |
880 | Return | वापस आना | come back, go back, revert |
881 | Rich | अमीर | wealthy, affluent, prosperous |
882 | Ride | सवारी करना | travel, journey, commute |
883 | Right | सही | correct, accurate, true |
884 | Ring | अंगूठी | circle, band, hoop |
885 | Rise | उठना | ascend, climb, mount |
886 | Risk | जोखिम | danger, peril, hazard |
887 | River | नदी | stream, waterway, watercourse |
888 | Road | सड़क | highway, street, avenue |
889 | Rob | लूटना | steal, plunder, pilfer |
890 | Rock | चट्टान | stone, boulder, crag |
891 | Rod | छड़ | stick, wand, staff |
892 | Role | भूमिका | part, function, capacity |
893 | Roll | रोल करना | rotate, revolve, spin |
894 | Room | कमरा | chamber, apartment, compartment |
895 | Root | जड़ | base, foundation, origin |
896 | Round | गोल | circular, round, |
897 | Round | गोल | circular, round, spherical |
898 | Route | मार्ग | course, path, way |
899 | Row | पंक्ति | line, rank, file |
900 | Rub | रगड़ना | wipe, scrub, polish |
901 | Rule | नियम | regulation, law, ordinance |
902 | Run | दौड़ना | race, sprint, jog |
903 | Rush | जल्दी करना | hurry, hasten, accelerate |
904 | Sad | उदास | unhappy, sorrowful, dejected |
905 | Safe | सुरक्षित | secure, protected, unharmed |
906 | Sail | नौकायन करना | navigate, cruise, voyage |
907 | Saint | संत | holy person, saint, saintly person |
908 | Sale | बिक्री | selling, marketing, commercialization |
909 | Salt | नमक | sodium chloride, salt, table salt |
910 | Same | समान | identical, alike, equivalent |
911 | Sand | रेत | granular material, sand, silica |
912 | Sat | बैठा | sat, seated, perched |
913 | Save | बचाना | rescue, preserve, conserve |
914 | Say | कहना | speak, utter, pronounce |
915 | Scale | पैमाना | scale, measure, gauge |
916 | Scar | निशान | mark, blemish, wound |
917 | Scary | डरावना | frightening, terrifying, alarming |
918 | Scene | दृश्य | sight, view, spectacle |
919 | Scent | सुगंध | smell, aroma, fragrance |
920 | School | स्कूल | educational institution, academy, college |
921 | Science | विज्ञान | knowledge, learning, scholarship |
922 | Score | स्कोर | points, tally, count |
923 | Screen | स्क्रीन | display, monitor, television |
924 | Screw | पेंच | bolt, screw, nail |
925 | Sea | समुद्र | ocean, marine, maritime |
926 | Seat | सीट | chair, bench, pew |
927 | Second | दूसरा | subsequent, following, next |
928 | Secret | गुप्त | confidential, classified, private |
929 | See | देखना | observe, perceive, notice |
930 | Seed | बीज | seed, kernel, pip |
931 | Seek | खोज करना | search, look for, pursue |
932 | Seem | प्रतीत होना | appear, look, strike |
933 | Sell | बेचना | market, vend, peddle |
934 | Send | भेजना | transmit, dispatch, forward |
935 | Sense | भावना | feeling, perception, intuition |
936 | Sentence | वाक्य | statement, phrase, clause |
937 | Separate | अलग | distinct, different, dissimilar |
938 | Serious | गंभीर | grave, solemn, earnest |
939 | Serve | सेवा करना | assist, help, aid |
940 | Set | सेट | group, collection, assortment |
941 | Seven | सात | seven, VII, VII |
942 | Several | कई | a few, some, a number of |
943 | Severe | गंभीर | serious, harsh, strict |
944 | Sew | सिलाई करना | stitch, stitch together, sew up |
945 | Shake | हिलाना | tremble, quiver, vibrate |
946 | Shall | चाहिए | will, should, ought to |
947 | Shape | आकार | form, figure, configuration |
948 | Share | साझा करना | divide, apportion, distribute |
949 | Sharp | तेज | keen, acute, pointed |
950 | She | वह | she, her, hers |
951 | Sheep | भेड़ | ovine, sheep, lamb |
952 | Sheet | चादर | sheet, bed sheet, bed linen |
953 | Shelf | शेल्फ | shelf, ledge, rack |
954 | Shell | खोल | covering, husk, casing |
955 | Shine | चमकना | glow, gleam, sparkle |
956 | Ship | जहाज | vessel, boat, craft |
957 | Shirt | शर्ट | shirt, blouse, chemise |
958 | Shock | झटका | surprise, astonishment, amazement |
959 | Shoe | जूता | footwear, boot, sneaker |
960 | Shoot | शूट करना | fire, discharge, let off |
961 | Shop | दुकान | store, boutique, emporium |
962 | Short | छोटा | brief, concise, succinct |
963 | Should | चाहिए | ought to, must, should |
964 | Shout | चिल्लाना | yell, scream, cry out |
965 | Show | दिखाना | exhibit, display, present |
966 | Sick | बीमार | ill, unwell, unhealthy |
967 | Side | तरफ | edge, border, brink |
968 | Sign | संकेत | symbol, mark, indication |
969 | Silent | चुप | quiet, still, hushed |
970 | Silk | रेशम | silk, silk fabric, silk cloth |
971 | Silly | मूर्खतापूर्ण | foolish, stupid, absurd |
972 | Silver | चांदी | silver, argent, silver metal |
973 | Similar | समान | alike, like, resembling |
974 | Simple | सरल | easy, straightforward, uncomplicated |
975 | Since | क्योंकि | because, as, for |
976 | Sing | गाना | chant, carol, warble |
977 | Sink | डूबना | submerge, plunge, immerse |
978 | Sir | सर | gentleman, mister, sir |
979 | Sister | बहन | sibling, female sibling, girl |
980 | Sit | बैठना | be seated, sit down, take a seat |
981 | Site | साइट | location, place, spot |
982 | Six | छह | six, VI, VI |
983 | Size | आकार | magnitude, extent, dimension |
984 | Skill | कौशल | ability, proficiency, expertise |
985 | Skin | त्वचा | epidermis, derma, hide |
986 | Sky | आकाश | heavens, firmament, celestial sphere |
987 | Sleep | नींद | slumber, rest, repose |
988 | Slow | धीमा | sluggish, tardy, leisurely |
989 | Small | छोटा | little, tiny, minute |
990 | Smart | स्मार्ट | intelligent, clever, bright |
991 | Smile | मुस्कान | grin, smirk, beam |
992 | Smoke | धुआँ | fume, vapor, mist |
993 | Smooth | चिकना | even, level, flat |
994 | Snake | सांप | serpent, reptile, viper |
995 | Snow | बर्फ | snowfall, snow, sleet |
996 | So | इसलिए | thus, hence, consequently |
997 | Soft | मुलायम | gentle, tender, mild |
998 | Soil | मिट्टी | earth, ground, dirt |
999 | Soldier | सिपाही | serviceman, military personnel, serviceperson |
1000 | Some | कुछ | a few, several, a number of |
1001 | Son | बेटा | boy, male child, offspring |
1002 | Song | गाना | tune, melody, air |
1003 | Soon | जल्दी | shortly, presently, immediately |
1004 | Sort | प्रकार | kind, type, category |
1005 | Sorry | क्षमा करें | apologetic, regretful, contrite |
1006 | Sound | ध्वनि | noise, tone, auditory sensation |
1007 | South | दक्षिण | south, southward, southerly |
1008 | Space | अंतरिक्ष | outer space, cosmos, universe |
1009 | Speak | बोलना | talk, converse, communicate |
1010 | Special | विशेष | particular, specific, unique |
1011 | Speech | भाषण | talk, address, lecture |
1012 | Speed | गति | velocity, pace, rapidity |
1013 | Spell | वर्तनी | spelling, orthography, spelling system |
1014 | Spend | खर्च करना | expend, disburse, outlay |
1015 | Spirit | आत्मा | soul, mind, psyche |
1016 | Split | विभाजित करना | divide, separate, part |
1017 | Spoil | खराब करना | ruin, damage, impair |
1018 | Sport | खेल | game, pastime, recreation |
1019 | Spot | स्थान | place, location, site |
1020 | Spread | फैलना | extend, diffuse, disseminate |
1021 | Spring | वसंत | springtime, spring, vernal season |
1022 | Star | तारा | celestial body, star, fixed star |
1023 | Start | शुरू करना | begin, commence, initiate |
1024 | State | राज्य | country, nation, republic |
1025 | Stay | रहना | remain, abide, continue |
1026 | Steal | चोरी करना | rob, pilfer, purloin |
1027 | Step | कदम | pace, tread, stride |
1028 | Stick | छड़ी | rod, staff, baton |
1029 | Still | अभी भी | yet, nevertheless, nonetheless |
1030 | Stone | पत्थर | rock, boulder, pebble |
1031 | Stop | रुकना | halt, cease, desist |
1032 | Store | स्टोर | shop, shop, emporium |
1033 | Story | कहानी | tale, narrative, anecdote |
1034 | Strange | अजीब | odd, peculiar, weird |
1035 | Street | सड़क | road, avenue, thoroughfare |
1036 | Strong | मजबूत | powerful, forceful, mighty |
1037 | Study | अध्ययन करना | learn, read, research |
1038 | Stupid | मूर्ख | silly, foolish, idiotic |
1039 | Subject | विषय | topic, theme, matter |
1040 | Sudden | अचानक | abrupt, hasty, quick |
1041 | Sugar | चीनी | sweetener, sugar, sucrose |
1042 | Summer | गर्मी | summertime, summer, summer |
1043 | Summer | गर्मी | summertime, summer, summer season |
1044 | Sun | सूर्य | solar disk, daylight star, Sol |
1045 | Sure | निश्चित | certain, definite, positive |
1046 | Surprise | आश्चर्य | astonishment, amazement, wonder |
1047 | Sweet | मीठा | sugary, saccharine, honeyed |
1048 | Swim | तैरना | swim, bathe, float |
1049 | Swing | झूला | sway, oscillate, vibrate |
1050 | System | प्रणाली | method, procedure, process |
1051 | Table | मेज | desk, board, tab |
1052 | Take | लेना | grab, seize, clutch |
1053 | Talk | बात करना | converse, chat, discuss |
1054 | Tall | लंबा | high, lofty, elevated |
1055 | Taste | स्वाद | flavor, savor, relish |
1056 | Teach | पढ़ाना | instruct, educate, train |
1057 | Tear | आँसू | drop, bead, tear |
1058 | Tell | बताना | say, inform, relate |
1059 | Ten | दस | ten, X, X |
1060 | Test | परीक्षण | examination, quiz, assessment |
1061 | Text | पाठ | writing, text, written work |
1062 | Than | से | compared to, in comparison with, as opposed to |
1063 | Thank | धन्यवाद | appreciate, be grateful, be indebted |
1064 | That | वह | that, those, yonder |
1065 | The | वह | the, definite article, demonstrative |
1066 | Their | उनका | their, theirs, possessive pronoun |
1067 | Them | उन्हें | them, those, they |
1068 | Then | फिर | at that time, afterwards, subsequently |
1069 | There | वहाँ | that place, that spot, there |
1070 | These | ये | these, this, these here |
1071 | They | वे | they, them, those |
1072 | Thing | चीज़ | object, item, article |
1073 | Think | सोचना | consider, ponder, contemplate |
1074 | This | यह | this, these, this here |
1075 | Those | वे | those, them, yonder |
1076 | Though | हालांकि | although, even though, notwithstanding |
1077 | Thought | विचार | idea, notion, concept |
1078 | Thousand | हजार | one thousand, 1000, M |
1079 | Three | तीन | three, III, III |
1080 | Through | के माध्यम से | by means of, via, by way of |
1081 | Throw | फेंकना | hurl, toss, cast |
1082 | Thumb | अंगूठा | digit, thumb, pollex |
1083 | Thus | इस प्रकार | therefore, hence, consequently |
1084 | Time | समय | duration, period, epoch |
1085 | Tiny | छोटा | minute, diminutive, microscopic |
1086 | Tire | थक जाना | fatigue, weary, exhaust |
1087 | To | तक | toward, in the direction of, unto |
1088 | Today | आज | this day, today, now |
1089 | Together | एक साथ | jointly, in concert, unitedly |
1090 | Tomorrow | कल | the next day, tomorrow, the morrow |
1091 | Tongue | जीभ | tongue, lingua, glossa |
1092 | Tonight | आज रात | this evening, tonight, this night |
1093 | Too | बहुत | also, as well, besides |
1094 | Tool | उपकरण | instrument, implement, utensil |
1095 | Tooth | दांत | tooth, dentition, dental arch |
1096 | Top | शीर्ष | summit, peak, apex |
1097 | Total | कुल | whole, entire, complete |
1098 | Touch | स्पर्श करना | contact, feel, stroke |
1099 | Toward | की ओर | towards, in the direction of, unto |
1100 | Town | शहर | city, metropolis, urban area |
1101 | Toy | खिलौना | plaything, game, amusement |
1102 | Trace | निशान | mark, sign, indication |
1103 | Trade | व्यापार | commerce, business, industry |
1104 | Train | ट्रेन | railway carriage, railroad car, railway coach |
1105 | Translate | अनुवाद करना | interpret, render, transliterate |
1106 | Travel | यात्रा करना | journey, trip, excursion |
1107 | Tree | पेड़ | tree, arbor, woodland tree |
1108 | Trick | चाल | deception, ruse, stratagem |
1109 | Trip | यात्रा | journey, excursion, outing |
1110 | Trouble | परेशानी | difficulty, problem, complication |
1111 | TRUE | सच | accurate, correct, exact |
1112 | Trust | विश्वास | confidence, belief, faith |
1113 | Truth | सत्य | reality, fact, veracity |
1114 | Try | कोशिश करना | attempt, endeavor, strive |
1115 | Turn | मोड़ना | rotate, revolve, spin |
1116 | Twelve | बारह | twelve, XII, XII |
1117 | Twenty | बीस | twenty, XX, XX |
1118 | Two | दो | two, II, II |
1119 | Type | प्रकार | kind, sort, category |
1120 | Under | नीचे | beneath, below, underneath |
1121 | Understand | समझना | comprehend, grasp, perceive |
1122 | Unhappy | दुखी | sad, sorrowful, dejected |
1123 | Until | जब तक | till, up to, before |
1124 | Up | ऊपर | upward, above, over |
1125 | Upon | पर | on, over, above |
1126 | Use | उपयोग करना | employ, utilize, apply |
1127 | Usual | सामान्य | ordinary, common, regular |
1128 | Very | बहुत | extremely, highly, intensely |
1129 | View | दृश्य | sight, scene, prospect |
1130 | Visit | यात्रा करना | go to, see, inspect |
1131 | Voice | आवाज़ | sound, tone, vocalization |
1132 | Wait | इंतजार करना | await, expect, anticipate |
1133 | Wake | जागना | arouse, awaken, rouse |
1134 | Walk | चलना | stroll, amble, saunter |
1135 | Wall | दीवार | barrier, partition, fence |
1136 | Want | चाहना | desire, wish, crave |
1137 | War | युद्ध | conflict, warfare, hostilities |
1138 | Warm | गर्म | hot, tepid, lukewarm |
1139 | Wash | धोना | clean, cleanse, launder |
1140 | Watch | घड़ी | timepiece, clock, wristwatch |
1141 | Water | पानी | H2O, liquid, fluid |
1142 | Way | रास्ता | path, road, route |
1143 | We | हम | we, us, ourselves |
1144 | Weak | कमजोर | feeble, frail, delicate |
1145 | Wealth | धन | riches, fortune, affluence |
1146 | Wear | पहनना | don, put on, dress in |
1147 | Weather | मौसम | climate, meteorology, atmospheric conditions |
1148 | Week | सप्ताह | seven days, week, hebdomad |
1149 | Weight | वजन | mass, heaviness, burden |
1150 | Well | अच्छा | good, fine, excellent |
1151 | West | पश्चिम | west, westward, westerly |
1152 | What | क्या | what, which, that |
1153 | When | कब | at what time, at what point, whenever |
1154 | Where | कहाँ | where, in what place, in what part |
1155 | Which | कौन सा | which, what, whichever |
1156 | While | जबकि | during, whilst, meanwhile |
1157 | White | सफेद | white, whitish, snowy |
1158 | Who | कौन | who, whom, whoever |
1159 | Whole | पूरा | entire, complete, total |
1160 | Why | क्यों | wherefore, why, for what reason |
1161 | Wide | चौड़ा | broad, ample, extensive |
1162 | Wife | पत्नी | spouse, mate, partner |
1163 | Wild | जंगली | untamed, feral, savage |
1164 | Will | इच्छाशक्ति | determination, resolve, purpose |
1165 | Win | जीतना | conquer, triumph, prevail |
1166 | Wind | हवा | air current, breeze, gust |
1167 | Window | खिड़की | pane, sash, casement |
1168 | Wine | शराब | alcoholic beverage, wine, grape wine |
1169 | Winter | सर्दी | wintertime, winter, winter season |
1170 | Wise | बुद्धिमान | sagacious, intelligent, discerning |
1171 | Wish | इच्छा | desire, want, hope |
1172 | With | के साथ | accompanied by, together with, in company with |
1173 | Without | बिना | lacking, devoid of, wanting |
1174 | Woman | औरत | female, lady, woman |
1175 | Wonder | आश्चर्य | amazement, surprise, awe |
1176 | Wood | लकड़ी | timber, lumber, woodland |
1177 | Word | शब्द | expression, term, phrase |
1178 | Work | काम | labor, employment, occupation |
1179 | World | दुनिया | earth, globe, planet |
1180 | Worry | चिंता | anxiety, concern, unease |
1181 | Worse | बदतर | more severe, more serious, worse |
1182 | Worst | सबसे बुरा | very bad, terrible, awful |
1183 | Worth | लायक | deserving, meritorious, worthy |
1184 | Would | चाहेगा | would, would like, would prefer |
1185 | Write | लिखना | compose, pen, script |
1186 | Wrong | गलत | incorrect, erroneous, mistaken |
1187 | Year | वर्ष | twelvemonth, year, annum |
1188 | Yellow | पीला | yellow, yellowish, golden yellow |
1189 | Yes | हाँ | affirmative, yes, aye |
1190 | Yesterday | कल | the day before, yesterday, yesterday |
1191 | Yet | अभी तक | still, even so, nevertheless |
1192 | You | तुम | you, yourself, yourselves |
1193 | Young | जवान | youthful, juvenile, adolescent |
1194 | Your | तुम्हारा | your, yours, possessive pronoun |
1195 | Yourself | स्वयं | yourself, yourselves, oneself |
1196 | Zone | क्षेत्र | area, region, district |
1197 | Zoom | ज़ूम करना | magnify, enlarge, amplify |
1198 | Zip | ज़िप | fastener, zipper, zip fastener |
1199 | Zeal | उत्साह | enthusiasm, fervor, passion |
1200 | Zenith | चरम | peak, summit, apex |
1201 | Zero | शून्य | naught, nil, nothing |
Average Rating